About: Melody.Chan

Bio: Melody is an avid fan of traveling. Although she thinks the packing and unpacking process is tedious, she believes the ability to enlighten herself while visiting new places is all worth it. She has already fallen in love with the idea of one day seeing the whole world. She knows that the world's beauty extends further than what a lens can show and is so much more than just words painted on a page. But when she's not traveling, she'll have to settle for her favorite pastime, writing. She is an aspiring screenwriter and journalist.

Posts by Melody.Chan:

Apple Gives out Gift Cards After it Ran Out of iPhones

Posted on: 16 Sep 2016

Who would’ve thought? Apple stores are already out of the iPhone 7 Plus and the iPhone 7 in Jet Black even before Friday’s in-store release. Although some customers may walk away empty-handed, Apple compensated several fans camping outside of the stores with a $100 Apple gift card for their dedication. The first 10 to 15 people lined up outside of New York’s Fifth Avenue store received the apologetic gifts, according to Mashable. Jaime Gonzalez, the first person in line, was one of them. “I’ve been here three weeks already,” he told the…

15-Year-Old Muslim Student Is Requesting for a Headscarf Emoji

Posted on: 16 Sep 2016

A Saudi teenager is fighting for the inclusion of a hijab emoji on smartphone keyboards to represent over 500 million headscarf wearers around the world. Rayon Alhumedhi is a 15-year-old student in Berlin, Germany who was born in Saudi Arabia. She drafted a proposal to the Unicode Consortium Emoji Subcommittee, the organization that governs and develops emojis. In it, she asked for the inclusion of a series of headscarf emojis, including a woman sporting a hijab and a man with a keffiyah. Embed from Getty Images “Five hundred and fifty million…

Woman Faces Hate Crimes for Attacking Two Muslim Moms and their Babies

Posted on: 11 Sep 2016

A New York woman faces a number of hate crime charges after she allegedly attacked two Muslim mothers as they pushed their babies in strollers in Brooklyn on Thursday, prosecutors said. Emirjeta Xhelili, 32, allegedly screamed Islamophobic insults as she approached the women, ages 23 and 24, around 1:30 p.m. near 20th Avenue and Cropsey Avenue in Bath Beach, according to the New York Daily News. “Get the f—k out of here,” Xhelili allegedly hurled at the pair, it reported. “Get the f—k out of America, b—–s.” She pounced on…

Miss Missouri to Compete in Miss America as First Openly Gay Contestant

Posted on: 10 Sep 2016

Miss Missouri Erin O’Flaherty is preparing to take the stage on Sunday as Miss America’s first openly gay contestant. “Being able to represent Miss America as a gay woman would mean a lot to me, because I really feel a responsibility to make the LGBT community proud, and make history and break another ceiling for a minority group,” the 23-year-old told PEOPLE. http://www.instagram.com/p/BKIlh2CBiKU/?taken-by=missamerica.mo Although the Miss USA and Miss Universe competitions had gay contestants in the past, O’Flaherty is the first to come out before winning a state title, according…

Facebook Co-Founder Donates $20M to Help Defeat Trump

Posted on: 10 Sep 2016

Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz is donating $20 million to several Democratic organizations, in an effort to help defeat Donald Trump. The billionaire and his wife, Cari Tuna, announced their decision to support Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign in a blog post, titled “Compelled to Act,” on Medium early Friday. They explained it is the first time they have endorsed a presidential candidate, as well as, donated to a presidential campaign. “This decision was not easy, particularly because we have reservations about anyone using large amounts of money to influence elections,” they wrote.…