About: Arqam

Bio: I write about Tech, Science, Media, Movies, Television, eSports, Travel, Sports, Politics and Business.

Posts by Arqam:

Why China Is Good at Building Railways

Posted on: 25 Oct 2021

China’s Country Profile   -Complete Name: The People’s Republic of China -Chinese name: 中国 Zhōngguó/jong-gwor/, the Middle Country -Significant Cities: Beijing (capital); Shanghai (biggest city by populace) -Public Day: October 1 -Greatest National Festival: Chinese New Year   WHY IS CHINA SO GOOD IN BUILDING RAILWAYS   CHINA’S HIGHLIGHTS China is the world‘s most populous country with a land territory bigger than the U.S. It has developed at record speed to become the second-largest economy in the world. On the off chance that every territory in the nation had various…

Reasons for the Decrease of Y-chromosomes in Men

Posted on: 22 Oct 2021

According to Professor Darren Griffin and Dr. Peter Ellis, the Y-chromosome is a symbol of masculinity, yet it is turning out to be progressively certain that it is not solid and persevering. In contrast to all other types of chromosomes in our body, Y-chromosomes are just ever-present as a solitary duplicate rather than a set of two and are passed from fathers to their children.  If the Y-chromosome in humans vanishes, it does not necessarily mean that men themselves are on their way out. Indeed, even in the species that…

Why China’s Manufacturing Wins?

Posted on: 20 Oct 2021

At the end of the first millennium, at around 1000AD, china was the most powerful country in the world. More than a third of the world population lived within its borders, its technology was the most advanced in existence, and its economy accounted for an astronomical 50% of the world’s GDP. In 1978 china had a GDP of only $200 billion dollars. Only about 4%of the world’s GDP but now that GDP has risen to 11 trillion dollars and accounts for 15% of all economic activity in the world. The…

Why the Northernmost Town in America Exists

Posted on: 16 Feb 2021

Sifting through guides, Barrow has consistently captivated me. Presently, inquiring as to why Barrow (Northernmost town) exists may appear as a crazy inquiry. I’ve always had two inquiries—for what reason does it exist, what’s more, what is it like? You could pose a similar inquiry for Fernley, Nevada or Grafton, Vermont, or some other town, be that as it may, Barrow is somewhat remarkable. For 65 days in the mid-year, the sun never sets; at that point, for 65 again in the colder time of year, it never rises. On…

How is Africa Becoming China’s China?

Posted on: 16 Feb 2021

When we think about Africa and China, we think about countries worlds apart and with no apparent connections at all. But China is actually quite deep into the African peninsula with its tools and tricks, and here we have discussed some of the recent progressions of China into Africa and what future implications it might have. Governments of China Political unions manifest themselves here—on the democratic floor of the United Nations General Assembly in New York. In this room, nations force legislation that conveys weight worldwide; thus, what occurs in…