About: Staff Writer


Posts by Staff Writer:

Russia ‘plans to take southern Ukraine’ in the Ukraine war

Posted on: 21 Apr 2022

According to a senior Russian general, Russia wants to conquer southern Ukraine and provide a passage to the breakaway area of Transnistria in Moldova. Maj Gen Rustam Minnekayev indicated that Moscow would want “complete control” of the south in addition to the eastern Donbas region, which is the Russian government’s avowed goal. Transnistria is a minor region bordering Ukraine that is backed by Russia. It’s unclear whether Gen Minnekayev’s remarks were sanctioned. Russian defense officials informed the BBC’s Steve Rosenberg that they were “looking into” the general’s remarks, which, if…

Ukraine: Surrogate mothers and parents face impossible choices

Posted on: 22 Mar 2022

Svetlana found it difficult to believe that what she was watching on the news on the day of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was actually happening. Bila Tserkva, a historic city on a winding river 80 kilometers (50 miles) south of Kyiv, was calm. Then came the explosions. Svetlana and her husband dragged their mattresses into their apartment building’s corridor, where they huddled with their three children. The sirens were never-ending, and they didn’t sleep for days. Emma Micallif, thousands of miles away in Australia, was frantically messaging. Because Svetlana is…

Two women killed in Malmö ‘violence’ at a Swedish school

Posted on: 22 Mar 2022

According to police, two women in their 50s died after being “subjected to violence” at a secondary school in Malmö, Sweden. Officers say an 18-year-old student at the school has been arrested on suspicion of murder. What happened was not immediately clear, but police said there were no reports of gunfire. The two school employees were taken to the hospital by ambulance, but they were unable to be saved. When the incident occurred, around 50 students and teachers were present, and police received reports of a “suspected serious crime” shortly…

Anonymous: How Hackers are Attempting to Destabilize Putin

Posted on: 20 Mar 2022

Since declaring “cyber war” on President Vladimir Putin in retaliation for the invasion of Ukraine, the Anonymous hacktivist collective has been bombarding Russia with cyber-attacks. Several members of the group spoke about their motivations, tactics, and plans. An Anonymous hack on Russian TV networks stands out among all the cyber-attacks carried out since the Ukraine conflict began. The hack was captured in a short video clip that shows regular programming interrupted by images of bombs exploding in Ukraine and soldiers discussing the horrors of the conflict. On February 26th, the…

Boris Johnson Sparks Outrage Comparing the Ukraine conflict to Brexit

Posted on: 20 Mar 2022

Boris Johnson has been chastised for equating the struggle of Ukrainians fighting Russia’s invasion with those who voted for Brexit in the United Kingdom. He said in a speech that Britons, like Ukrainians, have the instinct “to choose freedom,” citing the 2016 Brexit vote as a “recent example.” Politicians in the UK and Europe have been outraged by the remarks. Former European Council President Donald Tusk described the remarks as “offensive.” Lord Barwell, a Conservative peer, said voting in a referendum was “in no way comparable” to risking one’s life…