About: ChoKwanLi


Posts by ChoKwanLi:

NBA Player Asks Followers on Social Media to Find Suspect of His Aunt’s Murder

Posted on: 26 Jul 2014

NBA’s Los Angeles Clippers player Matt Barnes posted pictures Tuesday, July 22, of a suspect for his aunt’s murder and asked fans for help in locating him. The picture captioned, “This dude stabbed my auntie in the neck last week & left her for dead on the sidewalk, she ended up dying on the way to the hospital in the ambulance. If you hv any info on his where abouts contact the #SacPD # SacramentoWeNeedYourHelp #RIPTang” Some people shifted the focus of the post and accused Barnes of not helping…

Washington Post Reporter Being Held In Iran

Posted on: 25 Jul 2014

A Washington Post reporter, along with three other Americans, was detained Tuesday evening, July 22, in Iran, U.S. officials and the newspaper said Thursday. The Washington Post reported that the Iran Correspondent Jason Rezaian, his wife Yeganeh Salehi, who works as an Iran correspondent for a United Arab Emirates newspaper, and two freelance photojournalists were held in the country. It is not yet known who detained them or for what reason. “We are deeply troubled by this news and are concerned for the welfare of Jason, Yeganeh and two others said to have…

Only a Third of Americans Say ‘Yes’ to Impeach President

Posted on: 25 Jul 2014

About one third of the interviewed Americans support  impeachment of the president while a majority said no, according to a CNN/ORC poll released Friday, July 25. Thirty three percent of Americans said yes to impeaching President Obama, but a large group of 65 percent supported keeping the president in office. CNN reported that there is a clear partisan divide within the support-impeachment votes, with 57 percent of Republicans, 35 percent of Independents and 13 percent of Democrats. Keating Holland, CNN polling director, said the oppose-impeachment number appeared to be similar with past presidents.…

Air Algerie Black Box Found — No Survivors

Posted on: 25 Jul 2014

The black box of the Air Algerie Flight 5017, which disappeared from radar 50 minutes after it took off at Burkina Faso, was found at the plane’s wreckage site. According to the Los Angeles Times, French President Francois Hollande said the crashed plane was found in the Gossi region of Mali, near its border with Burkina Faso. He said one of the two black boxes was found and there were no survivors.   Read also: Air Algerie Flight Carrying 116 People Crashes in Mali   “I share the pain of families living through…