About: LeonardoLopez


Posts by LeonardoLopez:

U.S. Government Will Pay $4.7 Billion to Farmers Affected by Trade Wars

Posted on: 29 Aug 2018

The U.S. government has started to pay off farmers who have been hurt by Donald Trump’s trade wars. The United States’ Department of Agriculture has stated that it intends to give farmers an initial payment of $4.7 billion. The Department of Agriculture will also buy $1.2 billion of surplus food to make up for the businesses’ economic losses. These actions only make up the first part of a planned $12 billion dollar program which has been designed to help farmers recover from economic conflicts between the U.S. and its former allies.…

United States Set to Resume Military Exercises in Korean Peninsula

Posted on: 29 Aug 2018

The U.S.’ Secretary of Defense, Jim Mattis, has stated that he does not intend to end joint U.S.-South Korea military exercises. The measures which were agreed upon during the recent Singapore summit between President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un have now been “indefinitely suspended” by the White House. According to experts, a falling out between the two nations has been a long time coming. Said experts have stated that Trump over-compromised during the summit and that North Korea showed very little commitment to denuclearizing. Mattis was asked if the…

Chinese Government May End Family Planning Restrictions

Posted on: 29 Aug 2018

The Chinese government may be on the verge of passing a historic measure. China is currently considering ending its birth restrictions due to growing concerns regarding its aging population and declining birth rate. Current family planning rules have restricted Chinese couples to having only two children. Two years ago, the government eased its “one-child policy.” Although China’s easing of the “one-child policy” was already progressive for the country, the current administration seems to want to go even further. China’s Civil Code is currently being revised. The National People’s Congress has stated…

Texas Company Intends to Send 3-D Printable Gun Blueprints Directly to Customers

Posted on: 29 Aug 2018

A Texas-based company called Defense Distributed is currently facing a lawsuit regarding 3-D printable guns, but that fact did not stop the company from making yet another controversial move. Defense Distributed has stated that it intends to send gun printing blueprints directly to customers. This move came directly after a federal judge blocked the Texas State Department from letting the company publish its files online for free. This is not the first time that the company has attempted to publicize its blueprints. Defense Distributed has been attempting to put its blueprints…

Pope Francis Facing Calls to Resign Due to Sexual Abuse Cover-Ups

Posted on: 29 Aug 2018

Officials in the Catholic Church are calling for Pope Francis’ resignation following evidence that the Church has covered-up a slew of new clerical sexual abuse claims.  The overwhelming number of recent accusations and cover-ups has led to one of the most dangerous crises of the 21st century for the Catholic Church. Some Vatican officials and Cardinals have started to openly criticise the Church. An ex-papal nuncio, Carlo Maria Viganò, held nothing back when addressing the problem in an open letter to the pope. In the letter, Viganò stated that Francis must…