10 Qualities of Women That Men Find Attractive

Qualities of Women

No one can deny the fact that the first impression is the last impression. Have you ever wondered what men are really noticing in women or what they needed in women or what they truly find the most attractive quality in women? A grown man looks underneath the surface, searching out those soulful qualities which gave women that difficult to characterize, however, exceptionally important “it factor”. Qualities that are far more important than looks, when it comes to being a good partner or lover. Below are 10 special qualities of women that men find attractive:

1. Right Sense of Humor

A sense of humor is high on the list of qualities that everybody says they look for in potential partners, but as indicated by a study published in Human Behavior, the sort of humor of men and women find attractive is shockingly different.

When both men and women were asked about the qualities they seek in a partner, both groups reported that their sense of humor was equally important. But as the study looked a bit further, they found that while women perceive both the ability to be funny & appreciate the same kind of things they found funny, men were somewhat more uneven with what they found attractive. Men surveyed that funny women are not rated as any more attractive, and rather, it was their openness to their own sense of humor that they respected. In other words, men need someone who’s going to laugh at their jokes. For men, it wasn’t necessary that women could make them laugh. They were looking for someone who valued their ability for what the study called their creation of humor.

When men’s reactions were broken by the kind of relationship they were discussing, the results were even harsher. When it comes to long-term relationships and dating, it became even more important for men to find someone who valued their sense of humor, while funny women were better for short-term relationships and friendships.

2. Intelligence

After you are finished with the most “getting to know each other” discussions, you should have some different themes to discuss, or else you will be bored to death.

Intelligence, it didn’t mean having a Ph.D. in nuclear physics or any other field. But a good handle on common sense and general awareness of current events is a decent starting stage. A clever woman is the one that he will gladly introduce with his friends and that surely signals that he needs to stay with you.

3. You Are Honest

That’s a good thing when it comes to love. For one, has demonstrated, men are more touchy to sexual disloyalty than women (likely for development reasons – they need to make certain their offspring in really theirs!), and are bound to end a relationship after a partner is unfaithful than women. And it’s not like you required another motivation to be honest, but finds that apparent honesty after decisions of physical attractiveness too. In the study, members deemed “honest” people as more healthy, fit, and kind.

4. Kindness

This a big deal. Is she kind? Because if she’s not, it ain’t going to work. The problem is that everybody is decent for you at the starting. In the first blush of romance, when everything is new, fun and simple, everybody puts their best foot forward. You can tell a lot about a person by how they treat others. Is she polite to the waiter at a restaurant? Does she bad mouth her exes, colleagues, and her loved ones? How can treat outsiders or pets? Kindness, warmth, and liberality are unbelievably attractive and important to a healthy, long-term relationship.

5. Confidence

Nothing is more excellent than a confident woman. Confidence is one of the qualities of women that men really like. Men like being around people who are happy to be themselves. It’s not just women who react intensely to a confident partner, men love being with a woman who defends herself and what she believes in. They don’t need a clone of themselves or somebody addicted to the most celebrity needs. They need somebody unique who strolls her very own walk and talks about her discussion, somebody who knows her mind and what she needs and goes for it. Hopefully, that includes him!

6. She is Family Oriented

Before getting heat from the people who state that not every person is close to their family and that doesn’t make them an awful person or whatever – that goes without saying. Let’s keep in mind that a woman who values both her and your family is important when thinking about a long term future. This is what most men sometimes want their families to agree with this point.

7. The RED Color

One of the most strange things that attract men is red color. The color has for some time been related with love and passion and is viewed as an alluring color. For quite a while, researchers believed this was because the red color intuitively made men think of a women’s genitals, prompting sexual excitement. Red color may trigger an aggressive edge in men, “so maybe men are more focused on women dressed in red and hence want them more.”

8. Trust

Mutual trust is the base of a healthy relationship. If you are honest, you merit his trust. If he is doing all that within his power to win yours, you shouldn’t go through your days asking “Does he love me”. Men don’t care for insecure women. They particularly hate feeling like they are sitting on the defendant’s seat when clarifying where they have been and what have they up to. What men need is somebody they can trust – and somebody who trusts them consequently.

9. Happy

There is nothing hotter than a woman who is happy with herself, happy with her life… Just happy. A woman who smiles frequently, who radiates gladness and joy, who consistently lights up your day and makes you smile at whatever point you see her, or think about her. That is the sort of people that we all want to be with. Everyone has their bad days, their moments of despair and doubts. But a woman who accepts and adores herself, who recognizes what she deeply desires and follows it, will have more good days than bad. She’s up significantly more than she’s down. She is positive, light-hearted, cheerful, and she just makes you feel better.

10. Empathetic and Understanding

Being encouraging, compassionate and supportive towards your partner is a huge part of building an effective relationship. No one needs a person who deliberately spoils the enjoyment of others and will not support them in their undertakings or their critical crossroads. Life is full of challenges that any couple will face together, especially a wedded couple. Sometimes men need a shoulder to cry on, as well. 

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