Five Reasons Why Having A Part Time Job in College Rocks

kim kardashian

College is expensive. That is a blatant fact of life that humans around the world have learned to just accept. You need an education to be successful, so to be successful you need to pay thousands of dollars to go to a university. It seems strange, but sadly that is how the world today works. This extended adolescence that today’s youth is subject to (who’s complaining), it costing someone (possibly the students themselves), more money than anyone can afford. In order to gain the precious knowledge their college has to offer, they find a way to make a little extra cash in the form of a part time job. So here are five reasons why part time jobs in college actually rock (even though they get in the way of your social life sometimes).

1) You have your own money to spend

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Via photospin

In college you may want to buy a new dress for that date function you have on Friday. The fact that you already have about ten dresses hanging in your closet means your mom will most definitely veto that idea ASAP. Luckily you have your own little stash of money from your part time job that you can whip out at a moments notice.

2) You learn how to budget

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via photospin

When you make money in college you obviously need to learn how to stretch it out from paycheck to paycheck. This is called budgeting, and students who don’t have a job may not understand the value of a dollar after they graduate. According to Market Watch, David Greenburg, an NYU alumni, believes that having a part time job throughout college gave him an “edge” over his classmates because he learned how to save and manage his finances.

3) You meet new people

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Via Photospin

While you may be attached at the hip to your BFF, or roomie or whoever, going to a part time job allows you meet all kinds of people you would never have gotten to know otherwise. Bonding while busing tables is always a unique experience that really brings people closer (no joke).

4) You learn responsibility

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via Flickr/

Nothing makes you more responsible than having multiple commitments. From class to work to your sorority to whatever else you’re involved in, managing your time is important. So learning how to balance class work can be difficult, but once you’ve got it down you’ll be the most responsible person you know (you may surprise yourself).

5) You have a resume booster

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via photospin

Having work experience is a great thing to put on your resume. Even if your part-time job doesn’t involve the field you want to go into after college, just being able to say you’ve had a job in the past will put you above other candidates.

via flickr/Adikos

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