Getting Over Him

kim kardashian

There comes a time in every girl’s life when she realizes that the one guy she has been tirelessly trying to forget about, will never completely disappear from her heart. Out of sight means out of mind in some situations, but in today’s ultra connected, social media filled world he is never actually out of sight (unless he doesn’t have a Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Snapchat… which is extremely unlikely). Trying to get over someone (no matter how long it’s been) can be extremely difficult. It’s confusing. No matter who else you date, or hook up with or go out with, you just can’t seem to forget about that one person. You have absolutely no idea why you can’t forget about him; you just can’t.

Via Pinterest/Iulia Bujulec
Via Pinterest/Iulia Bujulec

Whether he’s an ex, or a jerk or a player (or all three) the fact that you can’t seem to wipe this guy from your memory isn’t crazy, it’s normal. So how’s a girl supposed to deal with this? No matter what you do or how little you see him, it always feels like he has the upper hand, and you know there’s no way he thinks about you as much as you think about him. What you need to realize is that you may never be totally over him.

If you’re in this kind of predicament, it may seem insane (it kind of is) to those around you, but you need to remember that these feelings may never go away. You can’t kill a feeling, and you need to accept that he will always be a part of who you are. It may be hard, but it’s important to try and it put him (and your feelings for him) out of your mind.

Via Love Dating Doc
Via Love Dating Doc

Try not to contact him, don’t look at his social media accounts, and if you ever find that you’re forced to be around him, be friendly and avoid him (in a non-awkward/rude way).

Finally, you have to accept that while you have feelings for him and will always care about him, you need to stop obsessing—obviously easier said than done—so you can mentally move on. While you may believe you’ve tried everything, you need to be sure that you’ve accepted the way you feel about him (and will always feel about him). Once you’ve done that, work on putting him behind you. If he won’t let you forget about him (aka he calls you/texts you/never lets you forget he’s alive) then it may be time to completely cut off communication with him until you’re sure you can just be friends again.

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