Why Your iPhone Knows More About You Than Your Best Friend

kim kardashian

These days everyone has an iPhone. It has become increasingly difficult for people to pull themselves away from the tiny light up screens that have come to dominate human existence. No matter what you’re doing throughout the day, chances are your iPhone is by your side, distracting you, directing you and keeping you connected to people who are nowhere near you. Because your iPhone never leaves you, chances are it knows more about you about than your best friend does.

Via Photo Spin
Via Photo Spin

Does your closest friend know every single place you’ve been in the last month? Chances are no, they don’t. News flash, your iPhone does; it tracks the places you’ve been through your Internet connection.

Skeptical? Grab your iPhone, which is most likely within arms length (don’t lie), open up settings> privacy > location services > system services > frequent locations, and there it is under history, a list of places you’ve gone that can date back to over a month before.

Creepy right? What’s creepier is how attached people have become to their phones. The first thing young adults do when they wake up in the morning is groggily check every form of social media they can. Only after this is done will they finally pull themselves out of bed to begin their day. Your iPhone knows everyone you’ve been texting and calling. It knows exactly where you’ve taken all the pictures on your photo roll. It saves photos you thought you deleted (damn you photo stream). Finally, it causes mass amounts of panic when missing (Where oh where could she be?).

Via Photo Spin
Via Photo Spin

While the iPhone is an amazing technological advancement, it allows everyone to be connected to other people 24/7, and it can be hard to stay in the present with a phone attached to your hand at all times. So leave your iPhone at home for a change, and embrace the present.

However, this doesn’t mean you should hesitate to buy that new Kate Spade case you saw in the Verizon Store. Even your iPhone needs a treat once in a while, right?

Via Photo Spin/Apple


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