Is It Okay for Mommy to Spend Time Away From the Kids?

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Screaming children, messy rooms, and days you wished that you can split yourself in half. But let’s face it, no one can get a degree in parenting because every child is different and can require different methods of care. However, one thing that all parents probably have in common is their desire to take a break—just for a little while. Some parents may feel guilty for wanting to spend some time away from their child, as if taking some me time will make them a bad parent. Thanks to, we can tell you it is perfectly fine for you to take some time for yourself!

According to’s “Required Parenting Break,” “Yes, you are their only mother, but time apart can bring perspective and help your kids build valuable relationships with other loving people in their lives.” By letting your kids spend some quality time with their relatives or extremely close family friends, they will gain social skills as well as become less clingy to you when you are at family parties. You do not have to let them stay at their aunt’s house for a week, but if you have to do a little shopping, it’s okay to leave them with family for a bit.

Keep in mind that being able to spend time away from the kids is dependent on your support system. As mentions, “If your children are fortunate to have active, able and involved grandparents, by all means, take advantage of that!” But of course, their grandparents have to be okay with this arrangement. Always be considerate of their time as well. So call in a week or two weeks in advanced (if you are going away for the weekend) to make sure that they have the time and are willing to watch your kids for the duration of the time you will be away.

With a great support system, you can plan to take a break from parenting, which notes that it “is hard work, and don’t let anyone try to tell you otherwise.” Possibly being parents themselves, your selected support system will understand where you are coming from. They will know that “when you come back from your break, be it big or small, you likely will be better prepared to take on the challenges of parenting.”

It may be hard to hear, but taking some time for yourself, away from the kids, “can help make you a better parent.” You will be able to mentally regroup, hit refresh, and ready to tackle all of your parenting responsibilities. But start off slowly, and spend your time away doing an hour—two hours’ worth of errands. Use your support system to help you decide whether or not you can take a weekend trip away.


Via Photospin

About Stacy Narine

Originally from Paterson, NJ, I recently graduated from Seton Hall University with my B.A in English. I will be starting my M.A program in Literature at Seton Hall University in spring 2015. I love Pinterest, Photoshop, and writing fictional short stories about characters who are trying to establish a sense of individuality while in relationships. Ready to momentarily stray from fiction, I am motivated to write about topics that are important to women.

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