Sandra Bullock Stalked by Crazed Fan, Releases 911 call to the Court

kim kardashian

While many people yearn to be famous and get everything that comes along with success while being in the public eye, Sandra Bullock got a first hand experience of why such recognition can not always be a good thing.

The popular actress found herself concealed in a closet after a man broke into her home holding a love note that he had written while attempting to stalk the movie star.

Joshua James Corbett is now standing trial for breaking into Bullock’s home, and for carrying several illegal weapons.

When Bullock discovered the man within her home she quickly called 911 to report the scary incident. Her call to the authorities has been made public during the trial, and shows the level of fear instilled in Bullock because of the intruder. Bullock was heard saying, “I’m in my closet. I have a safe door,” and “I’m locked in the closet right now.”

Officer Jose Bermudez testified that Corbett was holding a notebook along with photos of the actress, and that Corbett stated, “I’m sorry. I love you Sandy.’

Attorney to Corbett, Paul Takakjian, said he is trying to get his client off for stalking and burglary charges because he is claiming that Corbett is suffering from delusion, and that he believed he truly was married to Bullock; Takakjian states, “The love letter that Mr. Corbett carried with him professed nothing but love and admiration. There is nothing in there about harming her. The people are trying to make more of the case than there is.”

It was evident that Corbett was stalking Bullock because it was reported that Corbett had been posted up outside the stars home three nights in a row, and Deputy District Attorney Wendy Segal stated, “It’s clear that he was stalking her repeatedly and maliciously. There is not a more clear-cut case of stalking than this one.”

Corbett has pleaded not guilty and was placed in jail with bail posted at 2 million dollars.

Photo Via flickr/ Gage Skidmore


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