The Calm Man in the Capital: Biden Lets Others Spike the Ball but Notches a Win


President Joe Biden avoided boasting about the deal to avoid a national default, which he struck recently. He believed that bragging about the deal would inflame Republicans and jeopardize the chances of pushing the agreement through the narrowly divided House. Instead, he let Speaker Kevin McCarthy claim the win to minimize a revolt on the hard right that could put his speakership in danger. The strategy paid off with a strong bipartisan vote by the House on Wednesday night passing the deal, which will suspend the debt ceiling while imposing spending restraints for the next two years. Biden’s approach was decidedly old-school in a new-school era. He positioned himself as the calm man in the capital, the mature leader he hopes voters will prefer during next year’s election.
The newly elected US President Joe Biden is already making good progress on his agenda as he works to restore the stability that has been missing from the White House for the last 4 years. While there are still many issues facing America, Biden has managed to remain calm and focused on getting the work done, demonstrating a leader-like approach that is different from his predecessor.

Biden has steered clear of the dramatic and attention-grabbing style favored by his predecessor in the White house. He has instead opted for carefully crafted strategies, even when it comes to his political opponents. Instead of making grand statements and threats about political adversaries, he has chosen to privately discuss issues and listen to opposing views.

The Biden administration’s strategy for tackling the many challenges America faces has been a “calm and steady” one. This approach has brought a much-needed level of stability to Washington DC and allowed the president to focus on actual policy-making, rather than engaging in endless theatrics. His refusal to engage in insults and personal attacks has actually earned him respect from numerous opponents.

One example of Biden’s “calm and steady” approach is his decision to let others “spike the ball” while he quietly notches a win. While it is important for any president to celebrate when their policies are successful, Biden has shown the ability to allow others in his administration to take credit for the accomplishment, while he focuses on the future. This shows his commitment to being a team player, something his predecessor was sorely lacking.

It remains to be seen what the long-term consequences of this “calm man in the capital” will be. However, it is clear that Joe Biden is taking his job as the nation’s leader seriously and is attempting to restore a sense of order and responsibility to the United States government. His refusal to engage in theatrics and attention-seeking behavior is a refreshing change from the last presidential administration and has earned him the respect of many citizens.

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Hi, I'm Alex Perez, an experienced writer with a focus on lifestyle and culture news. From food and fashion to travel and entertainment, I love exploring the latest trends and sharing my insights with readers. I also have a strong interest in world news and business, and enjoy covering breaking stories and events.

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