Tube Hero Furious With Bystanders in Knife Attack

kim kardashian

On Saturday, December 5, a man tried to decapitate a victim at the Leytonstone tube station in east London, England. While two men, engineer David Pethers and another commuter fought the attacker, the rest of the commuters filmed the incident with their phones, not taking action. This behavior has raised fury in Pethers.

“There were other adult men standing there, just filming it on their phones. There were so many opportunities where someone could have grabbed him, “ 33-year-old Pethers said.

Pethers was slashed in the neck, when he fought off the knife-attacker. “The worst part about it was me and the bloke with rucksack, we were basically baying for his attention so he would not go for anyone else,” Pethers said.

Pethers and the other commuter who bravely fought the attacker were trying to protect the man he was trying to kill and also children passing by at the subway station.

“There were so many opportunities where someone could have grabbed him. One guy came up to me afterwards and said, ‘well done, I want to shake your hand, you are the only one who did anything, I got the whole thing on film,’” Pethers said. “I was so angry, I nearly turned on him but I walked away. I thought, ‘Are you crazy? You are standing there filming and did nothing.’ I was really angry afterwards. I had to go for a walk for about two hours to calm down,” the brave engineer explained.

The 29-year old attacker, Muhaydin Mire was arrested when police arrived at the scene. Mire is due to appear at the Westminster Magistrates’ Court on Monday, December 7.

Allegedly the knife attacker yelled, “This is for Syria” before trying to slice a mans throat.

Since the attack the hashtag #YouAintNoMuslimBruv has been trending on social media platforms. The statement explains how the world is showing their understanding, that using Islam as an excuse and cause of killing innocents is not acceptable.

Also the London underground has taken the hashtag in use

Image via Flickr/Ewan Munro

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