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The European Union elections are over. But the results of European Union elections are surprising to many people. In these elections, we have witnessed the rise of far rights and the Greens. The liberal class of Europe has been dominating the European parliament for four decades. However, the European Union elections could not bring the desired results for liberals and moderates. The new EU parliament will be a little confusing. The new parliament will have to struggle more for inter-party unity.

Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

The results are more surprising in Great Britain. Nigel Farage is the founder of Brexit. His Brexit party emerged as victorious in these polls. It acquired about 33 percent of the total votes. While conservatives just managed to get about 9 percent. These polls proved to be disastrous for the conservative party. In previous general elections in Britain Tories acquired about 42 percent of the votes. Same happened to the Labour party. In General elections of 2017 Labour Party got 40 percent of the votes. But now their vote bank has shrunk to 14 percent. In western belt, people seem to be sick of the traditional politicians. They believe that a traditional politician could not solve their problems despite ruling them since the  world war.

British parliament – Photo via

If we see deeper into Britain voting trends the results are more surprising. About thirty-five percent of people supported the parties who want to leave the EU. While forty percent supported the liberal Democrats and Greens. These parties want to stay in Europe. However, Labour and Tories managed to get only 23 percent. These parties want to quit Europe with a deal. These results reflect the distrust of masses on traditional politicians.

Back in 2016 people in the UK voted for Brexit. However, Parliamentarians of British assembly failed to honor the mandate. Both the big parties of 2017 elections wanted to leave EU with a deal. However, this deal could not be actualized. There is a misconception in Britain about Brexit. People were told that the British economy will jump after leaving Europe. However, experts warned dire consequences if Britain leaves Europe without a proper deal. Prime Minister tried her best to persuade the parliament on the negotiated deal, but she could not succeed. Many MPs believe that deal will legitimize the EU’s interference in Britain’s affairs.

EU parliament Strasbourg chamber – Photo via

The drastic slump of the Tory vote bank indicates that people are moving towards Brexit. It means that Britain will have to leave the European Union without a deal in October. And of course, many Tory MPs are proponents of leaving the EU without a deal.

However, there are also many MPs who prefer a negotiated Brexit. This means a lack of a clear majority in the British parliament. It clearly indicates that the new British prime minister will opt for leaving EU but will be unable to get a parliamentary sanction. This situation can also lead to a general election. The Tory party seems divided between supporters of un-negotiated Brexit and those who favor a compromised Brexit.

It may be noted that Boris Johnson is also emerging as a replacement to Theresa May. He supports a no deal Brexit. The other candidates like Steve Baker and Jeremy Hunt also want to leave Europe without any compromise. They want to win the support of staunch Brexit supporters. However, economic experts have clearly warned about the disastrous impacts of leaving the EU without a deal.

If the next prime minister opts for a no deal Brexit He will still be unable to get the support of parliament. And this turmoil will eventually lead to general elections. The recent polls indicate that a mixed parliament may come after the general elections (if called). This means no party will emerge as a clear winner. Possibly conservative and Brexiters will form the government in the coalition. There were rumors in Europe about the alliance of the Liberal Democrats and The Greens who want to stay in Europe. However, keeping in view the current voting trends this alliance cannot be practiced.

Now the Labor Party has an important role to play. One possibility is that the Labour party may form an alliance with the Liberal Democrats and The Greens. However, by doing so, it will have to tell the Britishers that going for Brexit can be dangerous for the British economy. However, this is just a possibility. The burden is on the British parliament and the coming British prime minister. We can just hope that the new prime minister can formulate a deal acceptable for all.

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