Five Things To Do On a Snow Day

kim kardashian

Snow is a signature staple of winter. Children everywhere dream of a white Christmas. Snow romanticizes winter, and makes your surroundings twice as beautiful (everything looks so peaceful covered in a fresh blanket of snow).

Winter lovers everywhere praise snow, and many can be found doing the snow dance (PJs inside out and all) on nights where snow is in the forecast. The one thing everyone can agree on—snow lover or not—is that the best thing about fresh powder coating the ground, is when it interrupts daily life (in a good way). Snow days, from work and school, are a special treat Mother Nature grants everyone every once in a while. With January and February just around the bend, these snow days are on the way. So what exactly do winter lovers do to enjoy their special day as much as possible? Check it out; with these tips you’ll be a snow lover in no time.

1) Drink hot cocoa

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via Photospin

Nothing tastes better than hot cocoa on a cold, snowy day. If you wake up (later than usual obviously) to the amazing news that classes and/or work have been cancelled, the first thing any snow lover will do is run downstairs to make a steaming cup of cocoa. If you’re feeling daring, spike your drink with some Bailey’s, it’ll make your snow day a little more fun.

2) Have a snowball fight

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Suite up in your Hunter boots and your ski coat, and venture out into the fresh powder to pelt some snowballs at the people you love. Nothing beats a little snow day competition. So get out there, round up your team and get to throwing.

3) Read (or watch a movie) by the fire

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If you’re not the adventurous outdoor snow lover, chances are you’ll want to spend your time inside by the fire. Heat up your fireplace and whip out a book, or pop in a DVD. Relaxing on your day off is what snow days are all about.

4) Go Sledding

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If you’ve finished your snowball fight, but want more adventure, grab your sled and sprint up the nearest hill. Even adults can have fun sledding with their friends (it will truly be a blast if you abused that Bailey’s).

 5) Cook a romantic dinner

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Round out a perfect day of snow-filled fun with a nice romantic (or friendly) dinner. Get all your friends and neighbors together, and cook a huge meal with pasta and deliciousness. The most important aspect of the snow day is enjoying time spent with family and friends.


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