High Expectations: Why Women Wear So Much Makeup

kim kardashian

It’s no secret that men like women who are pretty. A woman knows better than anyone how much goes into getting ready for the day: blow drying her hair, straightening (or curling) it, putting on face primer, applying bronzer, doing up her eyes (which entails eye shadow, eyeliner, mascara and eyebrow pencil), and putting on lip gloss. After all of that, she then has to pick out her outfit, which could very possibly take up to an hour (or more), depending on whom you’re dealing with. Even after the outfit is complete, there’s always one last minute details that needs to be changed. “Wouldn’t the David Yurman ring look better than this one from Lord and Taylor?” “Do the tan heels match better?”

Accessorizing can add up to 20 minutes. The entire process—not including showering, shaving, and moisturizing—is exhausting.

Men on the other hand simply pick out a shirt, a comfortable pair of pants, comb their hair, and walk out the door. Their entire process (shower and all), takes maybe half an hour. The most annoying thing about this entire situation is that men love to make fun of how long it takes women to get ready. Right? It’s highly doubtful that men would be happy if all women suddenly stopped wearing makeup and doing their hair. There’s a double standard there, and while men make jokes about the length of time women need to get ready for a date night, women must take hours to get ready in order to please men.

Any girl who has close guy friends has heard them talk about women and their looks, and many times it’s insulting. Most women don’t want to hear ‘guy talk’, especially when their male friends are analyzing how hot (or not) another girl is. It’s uncomfortable, and truly shows how judgmental and insensitive guys can be behind closed doors. Men are harsh, end of story. They can’t deny how high their expectations are, so when women take the time and effort to get ready it’s because they know how hard men judge every aspect of their body, face, and hair.

The blame, however, cannot totally fall on men because women do feel more confident when they are dressed to impress. In the end, women need to love themselves, and disregard what the men say. If it takes her an hour to get ready, it’s because she needed that hour for herself. Confidence, though occasionally hard to come by, is pertinent. So get out there and strut your stuff, no matter how long it took to accessorize that BCBG dress.

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