Madonna Exploits Tragedy in Paris

kim kardashian

Madonna has always been admired for being an entertainer, which has broken boundaries and transcend music through the past few decades. She is a performer, who at this stage of her career, does not need to advertise or promote herself because her following is so large that people follow her on their own.

That is why when the singer chose to use the terrorist attack in France as an outlet to promote her new album, she started to receive criticism for exploiting the tragedy.

Madonna tweeted an image that depicted “Je Suis Charlie,” the slogan supports freedom of the press and freedom of speech. Madonna inserted hashtags with the name of her new album, “Rebel Heart,” to accompany the image. She also sent out tweets where she expressed, these messages, “These are very scary times we are living in. Ignorance breeds Intolerance and fear. We can only fight darkness with light! We are all Charlie! #revolutionoflove ❤#rebelhearts,” and “We must respect ALL religions! But we must also RESPECT human life!! Killing in the name of G*D is man’s idea not G*D’s!!!! #livingforlove ♥  ❤#rebelheart.”

Both the messages share the end with a hashtag of her new album title.

Many people are saying that her actions display poor taste, and it indeed is. There was no need for her to include that in her messages, and makes people wonder about her intentions about sending the tweets out. While her messages do express inspiring notions that were heartfelt and showed her concern, but should she be worrying about her album sales and promotion at this time?

Should they not have been pure and not a commercial for her new album set to release later this March? The media may be thinking too much into her actions, but at the same time the artist should have known that maybe it was not the best time to do this.

Interscope Records


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