Pakistani Social Media went crazy about an 18Year-old Child’s Wedding

Pakistani social media
Groom and bride (Image courtes Moazzam Azam)

Pakistani social media went crazy after the images of a newly-wed couple went viral this week, with a groom looking like a school-going kid.

At least, the viral images depict the couple too young for the wedding.

However, besides wishing the couple well, Pakistani social media consumers discussed the issues related to the institution of marriage.

Zarpash Khan, a TikTok celebrity, is the sister of the groom, Asad. She took to social media to clarify that nobody forced the two for marriage and that both are extremely happy with the decision.

However, she did not reveal the age of either Asad or Nimra, bride.

Is there any Right Age for Marriage?

The people have always been divided over the issue, and this particular case has increased the general ambivalence in social media. Lately, no two people seemed to agree on the question regarding what should be the right age for marriage.

One Twitterati jokingly said that the age in which this couple has got married, I could not be able to decide my course selection.


This young couple’s wedding has resurrected a discussion among the social media users about the legal age for marriage in Pakistan.

Last year, Pakistan’s upper house of Parliament, Senate, had proposed a bill, according to which the girl’s age was extended from 16 to 18.

However, when the bill was sent to the National Assembly, which is the lower house of Pakistan’s parliament, it received opposition from religious parties. Subsequently, the bill was sent to the committee and has been shelved since then.

Live and Let Live

Where many people in Pakistani society emphasize to get married earlier from a religious viewpoint, others focus on the financial independence of the person.

One consumer on Twitter also said that there is no problem in getting married early.

In Pakistan, there is a general tendency among people with a business background that they get married at an early age. They think it helps them concentrate on business.

Yet, another social media consumer said, that why don’t we let live and let others live too. Why it becomes our problem to worry about their early marriage, or that how would they be meeting their expenses after getting married.

“We’ll die a virgin”

Besides various issues that this wedding drew, another was the personal grief among many boys regarding their single life. One of them said we’re destined to die single.

Another Twitterati said that he showed these wedding images to his parents in the hope that they would think about his wedding.

The Couple Will Continue Their Studies

The groom’s sister has said on Instagram that her brother and the bride are happy and would continue their studies.

Her reaction came following the negative comments on social media that said such early marriages could have negative effects on the couple’s education.

One Twitterati appreciated the young couple’s decision to continue their education and congratulated them on beginning a new life.

About Staff Writer

My focus is on politics, history, religion, and philosophy of life. I present news analysis and opinion on current affairs and occasionally produce satire articles

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