What should be your ideal monthly income? Opinion!

ideal monthly income

Your desires know no bound and your ideal monthly income usually always exceeds what you get paid at the end of each month.

Indeed, we live in an unjust world, where the gap between the rich and the poor has increased so alarmingly that if Karl Marx had been living during this time, he would have preferred to commit suicide than writing Das Kapital.

Today, the world’s one percent filthy rich have half the financial resources of the world. Ironically, the global economic crisis in 2008, too only served to increase the wealth of the one percent elite group.

The elite club had a shared total of 42 percent of the world’s wealth that surged to 50 percent in 2017, or $140tn, according to Credit Suisse’s global wealth report of 2018.

What’s Fair Pay?

Plato’s definition seems to appear more humane than all the definitions of a fair pay between extreme communism to the most righteous form of capitalism.

The Greek philosopher said that “the income of the highest paid in society should never amount to more than five times that of the lowest paid.”

Forget the World; think about you!


As the world is full of injustice and selfishness too, become a little selfish and think about you for now.

You’re not the only person interested in getting to know about the satisfying pay that you should have, or deserve.

But ultimately, it is the only most relevant thing for you to know.

image by Pixabay

For most of the people who are doing jobs, their primary concern is about the income they get at the end of the month.

The more income you get, the more likely are you to spend as it is a general human psyche that adjusts its lifestyle according to the thickness of your pocket.

Another human psyche that is both positive and negative is your lust for more, and It never fades away.

A man always wants more than what he or she is getting paid.

It is negative in that it reflects man’s greed and lack of gratitude over what he already possesses.

But on the other hand, it is a positive aspect of human development in a sense that justifies the presence of this relentlessness and satiation. This positive justification is the pursuit of glory.

For a positive mind, the thirst for more means doing more hard work aimed at improving individual excellence essential to justify one’s claim for more than what he is getting.

Still What is the ideal monthly income!

But glories are not achieved overnight.

Usually, you have to tread a long path in order to reach there. Many stumble long before reaching there, and a few of them end up reaching there.

Yet, everyone might have his own interpretation of the ideal income but I reckon the ideal income depends upon the coordination between your desire and the reality in which you are living.

In fact, there is no ideal income at all.

For some, it could be $200; while for others $200000 a month would not be satisfying their expectations.

However, my definition of a fair income is simple: if you are getting a monthly income more than the amount of your mobile set, it is good enough, as it might reflect what kind of life are you living within the available resources.

About Staff Writer

My focus is on politics, history, religion, and philosophy of life. I present news analysis and opinion on current affairs and occasionally produce satire articles

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